Sunday, March 6, 2011

"New" Kitchen

I have been dreaming of a new kitchen ever since I moved into my home in May of 2005.  It was supposed to be done by the end of that year.  It was top on a long list of "Things To Do To The Home."
It was going to be glorious. 
Then... life happened and the kitchen just wasn't that important any longer. 

As time went by my dream kitchen morphed a little here and there but mostly remained the same.  Unfortunately, it kept the same expensive price tag. 

Last year my husband and I sat down with the finances to see if we would be able to redo the kitchen in the next couple of years (not a fun task when you're self employed in the construction field during a poor economy).  We figured the dream kitchen will have to wait for our dream house.  My husband apologized profusely - but there really was no need.  My mind was already spinning with new ideas, cheaper ideas, ideas I could do NOW instead of waiting for the funds that never seemed to magically appear in our 'kitchen fund.'

Step 1:  Pretty Up the Pantries
We are lucky to have 3 large pantries in our kitchen.  Extremely lucky.  The more I thought about it the more I was glad to keep them.  I just don't like the wall of closets in my kitchen.  It felt odd.  It will be fixed.

Step 2:  Flooring
I hate my floors.  Yup, plural, floorS.  From the picture above you can see 3 different types of flooring.  There's another type in the Living Room around the corner and yet another type in directly behind in the Family Room.  Oh yes, and another one in the bathroom (before re-doing the bathroom).

There are many, many, many (sigh) more steps in my grand plan to overhaul my kitchen but these are the first two and probably will make the biggest impact.

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