One of my goals for 2010 is better menu planning. I'm horrible at it and we often end up scrambling at dinner time to figure out what to eat.
One of my biggest problems is that after the initial menu planning before going grocery shopping I don't think about dinner. Here's an example of a common conversation between my hubby and me:
Hubby: "What's for dinner hun?"
Me: "uh..."
I check my menu and see that I should've pulled stuff out of the freezer hours ago. Now we're left with either peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or hot dogs... but oh wait... no hot dog buns....
Me: "uh..."
So, my first step is to force myself to think about dinner before dinnertime. I have this little wall between my family room and kitchen that I pass a bajillion times each day. It's plain, boring and in need of some attention. PERFECT!
I found a frame, hunted out the perfect spray paint and had my husband cut me a piece of steel (because he has stacks of it laying around in his garage and if I'm going to have to deal with it being everywhere then I should get a piece of it - right?). I pulled out my chalkboard spraypaint and came up with this beauty.
I know Mustard Yellow isn't for everyone but I LOVES IT! See,
Besides the location it's really not much more useful than the paper menu I keep by the stove. This is where I got excited about the idea... and the reason I had my husband cut the steel.
I typed out all of my family's standard meals, printed them up & attached magnets to the back.
Now I can move meals around when I need to without re-writting the whole thing. That shouldn't be a problem anymore though - the menu is so cute I can't stop going over to check it out. No more "uh..." moments for me!
If you are into Mustard Yellow this is actually called Cat Yellow - as in Caterpillar Machinery. After searching through several stores for the right color of spray paint with no luck I came home to find out my husband had 8 cans of it in his garage so I commandeered one (after asking of course).
(For the font on the magnets I used 'Hand of Sean' from dafont.)